Generation of Quitters

“We are not here to make an impression.  We are here to make a difference.” -Ann Voskamp “Everyone loves ‘justice’ until there’s a cost.” – Eugene Cho “We are called to spiritual warfare, not to a sheltered life of comfort without pain.  Our comfort comes from knowing who God is.  We are called to be […]

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One of Darkness

On May 2nd I boarded the plane in Johannesburg, South Africa for an 11 hour flight to Amsterdam and then an 8 hour flight to Chicago.  To say I was eager to be home was an understatement; in fact, if this trip hadn’t come at this time, I probably would’ve had a breakdown.  I was […]

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Entrusted to Me

“On this account I am suffering things…”  (2 Timothy 1:2…the finished verse is at the end) It’s probably not a surprise to you if I say that this past year was the most difficult year of my life, for many, MANY reasons.  But the greatest suffering was the rejection of the one who inspired this […]

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No Easy Day

I haven’t seen Tenele in three weeks, but it seems like so much longer.  I have heard from her, though.  She wrote me a letter and gave it to Ayanda’s younger brother, hoping he’d give it to Ayanda to give to me the next time they met.  Luckily for me, it was sooner rather than […]

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Prisoner of Fear

“For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather of power and love and self-control.” -2 Timothy 1:7 Although nothing (“neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities…nor powers, etc”. –Romans 8:38) can separate us from the love of Christ, there is one thing that inhibits us from fully embracing his love:  […]

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Mission: To Kill…Me

 “The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy.  But I have come that you may have life and have it in abundance.”   -John 10:10 It makes sense now.  Everything.  The physical fighting, the knife-threatening, the exaggerated arguing, the falling asleep during bible study, the fact that I’ve been feeling this month like the girls […]

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A Father’s Love

The moment I explained the miraculous news to my girls that my father was coming to visit us in Swazi, Ayanda literally screamed and jumped up and down on her bed like a six year old.  After calming down and collecting herself, she beamed, “I knew he would come!  I dreamt he would!”  Never ever […]

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A Love That Reaches

Is there really a love that reaches Beyond my broken pieces  To hold me as I am  And give me strength to stand? Somebody, please tell me this is so Because I reach For a love that makes me whole. They said he might walk free, This man that stripped the life from me Because […]

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Graceful Mess

Graceful Mess A structured chaos The stormy calm A salty pancake A silent psalm 15 “Mama Kate”s, but I’m just one Lucia’s on timeout; Benny calls me “Mom” A maddened clarity The cooling heat A muted melody A loud retreat Ayanda tells me I need a vacation Melissa asks me not to stay away again […]

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“Front Porch Paradise”

Because sometimes songs can say it better… This is my rewritten version of Phil Vassar’s song, “Just another day in Paradise.” Lucia’s screaming, my ears ringingBenny’s laughing at the Sibussa cleaninghis rice mess – on the floorWho’s that? Someone’s at the door. Got a half hour, forget my shower Take some cereal but the soy […]

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