• Never Ordinary

    First, a story: Kajiah’s island had no dirt. Water?  Sunshine?  People?  Yes.  But no dirt.  And, subsequently, no plants, no food chain, and few insects or animals. You may not want to live there, but Kajiah loved it. An elaborate economy formed around her community. In general, everyone knew them as an island that prospered

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  • Loving A Runnaway

    2008 – I met a twelve-year-old, front-tooth missing, phonily happy teenage girl who ripped the heart right out of my chest. But in its place, God put His heart for her. And so she became “umntfwana wami” (my child) ever since. 2009 – I returned to Swazi to find “my child,” was nowhere to be found. “You

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  • Ayanda’s American Adventure

    “How are you doing, Ayanda?” the flight attendant in charge of an entirely different section of our plane came over to check on the ecstatic and terrified young woman sitting next to me. Ayanda has that magnetic effect on people. “Good, good!” she beamed from ear to ear while catching her breaths. “What do you

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  • It’s Home

    A little over 5 years ago, I began my journey with Hosea’s Heart in Swaziland. It’s crazy to think back on that time. God changed me in so many ways when I thought I was going to change others and help to start a girls home. Throughout that first year as we strove to start up the

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  • Serving Those Who Serve

    I had the opportunity to travel to Swaziland for two weeks this past February and March 2017 to “serve” in whatever way Mary-Kate and the Hosea’s Heart team needed. I knew I would be there as a “background” person – to assist – as my husband, Steve worked with Mary-Kate and the Builder/Architect… but I

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  • Why Not Her?

    “Why me?” the common question each of us asks when faced with unjust hardship and pain. But she doesn’t ask that question. Why? Because she’s not common. She’s extraordinary. Resilient. A relentless chaser of dreams. When life doesn’t go her way, she doesn’t give up, victimize herself, throw a pity party, or ask why. She picks herself back

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  • Dear You

    Dear Kate, It is my very nature to be 100% honest, and this is no exception. Sometimes the truth hurts, but you need to hear it. Though I enjoy being sought after, the truth is you will never win me. I am not a game, a scoreboard, a reward, or an achievement. I am like

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  • You Can’t Stop Me Now

      Once upon a time I let you have your say You tortured me with lies I believed you anyway You taught me how to drown my pain To run away from “fear” But when I chased your promises I lost everything I held dear I lived like I was unlovable As you reminded me

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  • Are There Really Second Chances?

    It used to be just a normal, unimportant street corner. Whether I was walking or driving past, it meant nothing. Until about six months ago. The first time I saw them, I thought maybe they were waiting for ride. It’s not the usual “working” corner. I knew those corners. This was not one of them.

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  • Stuck

    In another conversation with a different girl who hasn’t been able to get beyond her scars, I tried explaining how God is still good even in times like these. But it’s hard for her to believe it. She said she wants the Lord, but she’s too full of pain. “What if you’re stuck?” she asked

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  • Scars

    I walk into the room, hardly making a noise, but she jolts out of a deep sleep at stares at me with enlarged, terrified white eyes. The first time it happened, I laughed because she looked so funny being scared awake like that. The second and third time, I gasped because her reaction scared me.

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  • A Heart Like Jenga

    Setting up this ministry has been like setting up the game, Jenga. Piece upon piece is laid, all interconnected to form one tower. The newer pieces are easiest to take away, while the oldest are, in many ways ,most integral because they form the foundation. God gave me the first Jenga piece eight years ago.

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  • Who Takes Care of You?

    “So, who takes care of you?” I was sitting in my parked car, waiting to pick up one of the girls from her counseling session when a friend walked over to talk to me. In my lap I had my MacBook (a gift from my La Crosse friends–a constant reminder of their love), and a

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  • Hello Thirties, Hello Freedom

    I just turned 30! Eeeeeek! To be honest, I was dreading it. Thirty…not flirty (no time nor bachelors) and sometimes sinking instead of thriving. But my girls put it into perspective for me. “Most people here are thrilled to live to 30!” After being humbled, they also then gave me the best birthday party ever and

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  • Return, Rise, Fight

    I’ve been back in Swazi for a full month now. Already so much has happened! I can’t possibly summarize it in writing (nor in my head), so here are the highlights: 1)    It feels like home to me. 2)    When I returned, my mom graced me with her presence for 10 days. It was so

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  • Life’s Too Short for Fear

                              “Is anything worth more than your soul?” –Mark 8:37 “Are you afraid to die?” the words came out too quickly for me to stop them. From my peripherals, I could see every head in the room turn to me, and I could

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  • Mission Trip to my ‘Merica

      It’s crazy to measure where I was one year ago or even six months ago to where I am now.  In January of this year, I had a number of people ask me if I saw myself living in Swazi forever.  At the time, there was no way.  My answer was always, “Well, if

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  • Miss Independent?

    Independent? No. A math teacher? No.  CEO of a non-profit? Ha! No way.   But…suddenly, I’m a math teacher. But I hated math.  I graduated high school with a 3.96 GPA all because I couldn’t get a perfect A in math.  That GPA might seem deceiving though, because I certainly wasn’t the smartest kid.  Actually, my

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  • Wonderstruck

    Three years ago today, we opened the girls home.  Five girls entered the moment it opened.  And over the next few years, the house reached capacity.  But we weren’t without loss.  Some girls came and went, taking my heart forever with them.  But as I look back, I’m awestruck with the goodness and richness of

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  • Six Secrets to Being Single

    The Secrets to Being Single (and Happy) “I would much rather be single and lonely than married and lonely.”  “Never take your eye of the mission for the man.” “Don’t be so consumed with finding the one; rather, become the one.” It’s no secret that I’m 29 and single.  But maybe not everyone knows that

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