Bench Warmer

Sometimes, when I close my eyes, I am back in time on my high school basketball court.  I can hear the crowd bellowing, particularly the student section that’s right beneath our basket; I can see my friend, wearing his “Hot-shooter 32, I heart Kate” t-shirt; I can smell the wet socks when our point guard […]

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Go Before Me

                “God, are you there?  I believe in you…I think.  But then I start doubting.  I want to believe,” she prayed one night as she laid on the bare concrete floor staring up the holes in the hut’s ceilings.  She was alone as her friend Jane would be out all night on the streets, selling […]

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When We Love Like That

I get a phone call one night from Tenele: “Mom, it’s not good here.  My mother is talking things again and she just want money.  She no want me here.  I’m going to leave at month’s end.”  I’m not surprised.  Deep down I knew this was going to be the result, but I had hoped […]

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I know these streets so well.  I’ve walked them hundreds of times.  Yet, somehow they seem foreign now in the dark.  Nighttime transforms them into a world I do not know.  Nor want to know. “Let’s just drive a couple laps around and pray for those we see,” Rachel comments.  It’s our first street night.  […]

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What is it that you want?  I mean, really want?  A car?  Chocolate?  Money?  To find your ever after? To be a famous somebody? To cure something?  To save someone?  What do you want? But why?  Why do you want those things?  Why do we want what we want?  What is at the heart of […]

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Rich Soil

 Over the past two months, I didn’t chase after Tenele.  I didn’t pursue her or go looking for her at Mangwaneni like in the past.  (In fact, I didn’t go to Mangwaneni very much because I couldn’t face the pain of seeing Tenele there.)  There is a time and season for everything, and that season […]

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Puddle-Jumpers and Ocean-Crossers

“There comes a time when you need to stop crossing oceans for someone who won’t jump a puddle for you.” During my last week of my visit in the States, something significant (but by no means good) happened that prepared me for continuing my “redeeming love” journey with Tenele.  It was a heartbreaking situation with […]

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Child, Look Again

 After exposing my inner anguish and admitting my struggles with joy and self, I was encouraged by several people to commit more time to prayer.  My friend Jess told me that Mother Teresa’s Sisters of Charity commit two hours of prayer every day so their ministry might be successful.  So I went to mass and […]

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I Shall Not Be In Want

Jehovah-Raah, the Lord my Shepherd This is one of my favorite names of God!  While the Ambassador team, led by my sweet sister, was in Swazi last month, I was able to occasionally join them for team devotions at night.  One particular night that I was feeling this separation from Joy and confusing degradation of […]

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In my journal on 7/9/15, I wrote: If you have nothing good to say, than your nothingness is your true poverty. I used to average 2 blog posts per month.  But in the last three and a half months combined, I’ve written only one.  My absence of words and posts is not due to my […]

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